Female Power


2004 - 05
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Contact Susan Gubing
Fax:  (631)382-2974
Email:  sgubing@smithtown.k12.ny.us

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PEP (Promote Everyone’s Potential) 
Female Power Brunch
February 13, 2003

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"Set your standards very high.  Don't accept good.  Go for great!"  Cecilia Alers, Farrell Fritz, P.C. "Don't let any one control your destiny."  Carolyn Mezzenga, LI Center for Business & Professional Women ( second from right).
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"Self respect is the key to everything." Diana Santiago, Aviation Instructor, Western Suffolk BOCES "Prepare for change.  Change is the only constant in your life."  Donna Anselmo, Comvergence Marketing.
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Sponsor Felicia Blackburn, Washington Mutual

           Sue Moriarity,                    Board of Education Member.

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"Follow the yellow-brick road to your dreams." Sponsor:  John Kurek, State Bank of LI


Washington Mutual


Comvergence Marketing

     Farrell Fritz, P.C.
Valerie Manzo, Attorney State Bank of LI

People's Alliance Federal Credit Union

SUNY Stony Brook


8:50-9:15    Welcome and Beverages
9:15-9:30   Opening Remarks and Panel Introduction
9:30-10:30 Panel Discussion:    
bulletDiana Santiago, Western Suffolk Boces
bulletDorothy Mancini, Nurse
bulletDonna Anselmo, Comvergence Marketing
bulletCecilia  Alers, Farrell Fritz, P.C.
bulletCarolyn MazzengaPresident for the LI Center for Business and Professional Women
10:30-11:00 Brunch
11:00-11:45 Round Table
11:45-12:30 Closing Summary

See Female Power Minutes for details


We are currently seeking to add to our committee's membership individuals from the corporate and college sectors.  We encourage you to identify other individuals within your corporation who maybe able to assist us.  Contact Rosemary Fretto.


CO-CHAIRS:  John Kurek, Rosemary Fretto
First Name Last Name Title Corporation Phone email
Brian Alemaghedes Counselor Smithtown High School 361-2444 balemaghedes@smithtown.k12.ny.us
Cecilia Alers Director of Marketing Farrell Fritz, P.C. 516-227-0623 calers@farrellfritz.com
Donna Anselmo Consultant Comvergence Marketing 862-7371 harwood1@optonline.net
Lori Arloff Account Manager Junior Achievement 516-625-9128 giazzetta@jany.org
Felecia Blackburn Assistant Financial Center Manager Washington Mutual
PO Denise Brennan COPE SC Police Department 854-8478 dbrenn007@hotmail.com
Lisa Canari Marketing Manager PAFCU 434-3500x488 lcanari@pacu.net
Kristine Chayes Senior Human Resources Manager Suffolk County Civil Service 853-4943 kristine.chayes@co.suffolk.ny.us
Michelle Cicalese Counselor Smithtown High School 382-2314
Kelly Dalrymple Counselor Smithtown High School 382-2988 kdalrymple@smithtown.k12.ny.us
Rosemary Fretto Director of Guidance Smithtown High School 382-2902 rfretto@smithtown.k12.ny.us
Ingrid Hrvatin Assistant Principal Smithtown High School 382-2306 ihrvatin@smithtown.k12.ny.us
Barbara Kiley Youth Programs SC Dept. of Labor 853-6526 barbara.kiley@co.suffolk.ny.us
Chris Klepeis Director, Recruitment Services Inner Circle Consulting Group 952-8966 chris@invision.net
John Kurek Vice President/Branch Manager State Bank of Long Island 979-0700
Dorothy Mancini Nurse

Valerie Manzo Attorney Valerie S. Manzo Attorney 366-6361 valmanzo@aol.com
Jean Noschese Human Resources
Theresa Pace Director of Finance SC Dept. of Health Services 853-3037 pacesetter@usa.net
Kathryn Rehn Instructor Smithtown High School 382-2081 krehn@smithtown.k12.ny.us
Kate Rowe Exec. Director Admissions/Enrollment Suffolk County Community College 451-4026 rowek@sunysuffolk.edu
Marie Sesti Travel Agent Aventura Travel Inc. 499-4827 romansesti@aol.com
Wendy Stampf Training Specialist St. Catherine of Siena Medical 862-3000x4810 wendy.stampf@chsli.org
Pat Stickle Community Relations Director St. Catherine of Siena Medical 862-3000x4810 pat.stickle@chsli.org
Joan Stollberger Nutritionist
979-9512 nutritionwisdom@aol.com
Susan Sykes Hendee Culinary Chairperson NY Institute of Technology 348-3310 shendee@nyit.edu
Iris Taibbi Branch Manager State Bank of Long Island 630-0500 twinedit@aol.com
Jeanmarie Wilson Counselor Smithtown High School 382-2956 jwilson@smithtown.k12.ny.us
Adrienne Woodward VP Customer Service MDNY HealthCare 454-1900x347 awoodward@mdny.com




















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