Public Relations


2004 - 05
October 7
December 2
February 10
April 7
May 12

Contact Susan Gubing
Fax:  (631)382-2974

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The goals of this project are:  
1.        Introduce students to the field of public relations and its related careers.
2.        Assign each class a specific school-related topic to focus on in the preparation of a press kit and a press release.

  1. Marketing - 8 a.m.
  2. Sports Management - 9:30

  3. Marketing - 11 a.m.



Monday, April 26

Introduction to public relations, marketing and advertising careers.

bullet Michael Kinane, Public Relations at SUNY at Old Westbury
bulletKaren Savero, Marketing Director at COSTCO

Tuesday, April 27

Press Kit and Press Release: 

What is in a press kit?  How do you write a press release?

bullet Janice Cumins, JLC Productions & Communications
bulletDonna Anselmo, Comvergence Marketing

Wednesday, April 28th

How to take good pictures for a press release.

bullet Donna Anselmo, Comvergence Marketing

Thursday, April 29th*

Interviews for press releases and press kits:

bullet Dianne Elmore, School of Business
bullet Pat Smith, Athletic Department
bullet Sue Gubing, Industry Advisory Board

4/30* and 5/3*

Students work on press release and kits.

Tuesday, May 4

Pitching the press release and kit to the media.

bullet George Giokas, StaffWriters Plus

 * Educators only.



















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