TFCU Banking


2004 - 05
October 7
December 2
February 10
April 7
May 12

Contact Susan Gubing
Fax:  (631)382-2974




Bank-at-School & Financial Literacy Program

Overview & Guidelines 


1.     The Bank-at-School program is designed to introduce students to the basics of banking and money management. 

·       The program provides opportunity and encouragement for students to save money by making credit union accounts easily accessible. 

2.     By establishing a Bank-at-School Day, held at least twice each month, students can open new accounts, make deposits and withdrawals and experience the satisfaction of watching their savings grow.

·       There is no charge to the school to participate in this program. 

3.     Financial Literacy:  TFCU is the credit union for all Suffolk County school students, faculty and staff.

·       We are committed to promoting financial education by providing educational materials, informative speakers and programs at no charge to schools, PTAs and related groups. 

Benefits to Students 

Students receive exceptional benefits by becoming members of Teachers Federal Credit Union.  Opening a savings account at TFCU is a great financial start and is also: 

  1. Convenient – students may open savings accounts and make deposits and withdrawals at the Bank-at-School location or by visiting any TFCU branch location.
  1. Secure – every account is insured up to $100,000 by the National Credit Union Administration.
  1. Private – all transactions are strictly confidential.
  1. Easy - an ATM card gives access to accounts anywhere in the world.
  1. Students receive account statements – mailed to their homes.

The Bank-at-School program has been developed primarily for students in high school, but can be adapted for other grade levels.



















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