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Buffalo State Application

WBL Online

Course Outlines








Organization of Diversified Cooperative Work Study Programs I - CTE 450/550

The first course, Organization of Diversified Cooperative Work Study Programs, focuses on the role and purposes of work-based learning in the schools with special focus on how work-based learning relates to various types of  programs, the workforce of the twenty-first century and organization of a quality program.
  • Philosophy of work-based learning programs.

  • CDOS Standards

  • Career and Technical Education Requirements

  • SCANS Skills

  • Role of the coordinator.

  • Marketing your program.

  • Networking and Leadership

  • Creating an advisory board.

  • The new work-based learning student – generations.

  • 2lst Century workplace. 

  • Building your industry knowledge.




Operation of Diversified Cooperative Work Study Programs II  - CTE 455/555

The second course, Operation of Diversified Cooperative Work Study Programs, focuses on the operation and implementation of a successful work-based learning program.
  • Program organization and structure.

  • Creating press releases.

  • Creating the essential forms needed for program.

  • Pre-employment instruction.

  • Career Planning

  • Job success skills.

  • Placement of students – training plans, journals, related work assignments.

  • Safety Instruction

  • Labor Laws

  • Prohibitive Occupations.

  • Program Evaluation

NY State Co-op Handbook


The purchase of this textbook is not required for this course.  If you wish to purchase it as a resource for your library, please do so.  TEXTBOOK: Cooperative Occupational Education, Ralph E. Mason, Stewart W. Husted; ISBN 0-8134-3042-9, 1997; Interstate Publishers  Not required to purchase.  The following is THE College Book Store web address. Have the students click on Textbooks and then Off campus text order form. 


  • Coordinator of Work-based Learning Programs for Career Awareness - Certification #8981
  • Coordinator of Work-based Learning Programs for Career Development - Certification #8982

Advanced Applications of Work Based Learning Programs

Explore the latest techniques and tools to make your work based learning program a quality instructional program for the 21st century.

Participants will:

  • Discuss the latest career planning and workplace trends.
  • Develop new marketing tools.
  • Create new procedures and forms for more efficient program operations.
  • Learn how to make valuable contacts with industry, education and government power players.
  • Contribute to a work-based learning website to be available for all.
  • Access new resources for training and safety education.

                See more.......click here.

*Participants should already possess some form of the NYS Work-Based Learning certification.


Obtain Your WBL Certification

WECA, NYS Education Department, CareerSmarts, Career Jump Start, TeacherSmarts

CareerSmarts                                                Susan Gubing, School/Industry Consultant                          EMail: sue@careersmarts.com                                     
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