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Buffalo State Application

WBL Online

Course Outlines







The WBL Coordinator, along with other CTE instructors, is responsible for the in-class instruction related to employment skills and the on-the-job instruction during the training period.  


General Related Instruction 





Career Planning – Phase One


10 weeks


1.      Holland Interest Inventory

2.      People/Data/Things

3.      Personality

4.      Abilities/skills

5.      Values

6.      Working Environment

7.      Aptitudes

8.      Multiple Intelligences

9.      Learning Styles

10.   Career/Industry Preferences



Foundation courses

11.   Theory - Academics

12.   Application - Career & Technical Education



Career Exploration

13.   Shadowing

14.   Informational interview

15.   In-house work based learning experience



Career Plan and Portfolio

16.   Creation of Career Plan

17.   Creating your career portfolio.



Pre-employment Skills


10 weeks

Preparing for the interview

18.   Cold Canvassing for a job

19.   Reading a map

20.   Necessary documents needed for employment.

21.   Calling for the interview

22.   Leaving a message in a voice mailbox



Applying for the job.

23.   Introducing Oneself

24.   Dressing appropriately

25.   Job Application

26.   Resume

27.   Employment testing

28.   Interview questions



Follow  Up after job

29.   Follow-up telephone call

30.   Thank you letter

31.   Evaluating the job offer. 



Job Success Skills


10 weeks

Piggy Bank of Success

32.   Your first day on the job.

33.   Asking for a favor.

34.   How to request an absence

35.   That’s Not My Job!

36.   Being blamed for something you did not do or did.

37.   Office politics and gossip.

38.   How to terminate your job properly.

39.   How to handle being fired.



You and your job.

40.   What are your rights as an employee?

41.   Developing a work ethic

42.   Your first 3 months on the job.

43.   Sexual Harassment on the job



Becoming a Professional

44.   Developing good communication skills.

45.   Developing good listening skills.

46.   Developing critical thinking skills

47.   Developing problem-solving skills.

48.   Developing your presentation skills.



General Related Safety

49.   Identifying Occupational hazards

50.   Child Labor Laws

51.   Prohibitive Occupations

52.   Slips and falls

53.   Hazardous materials and chemicals

54.   Threats – terrorists, criminal acts

55.   Violence in the workplace

56.   Worker’s Compensation


The Employer

57.   What do Employers Expect

58.   Why Attitude Matters Most

59.   Getting along with your boss and co-workers

60.   How to handle office politics



Performance Evaluations

61.   What to expect.

62.   How to ask for a raise.

63.   Where do I go from here?




64.   Who must join?

65.   Why join.



Financial Literacy

66.   Payroll and Taxes -Your pay check

67.   Deductions

68.   Savings

69.   Checking accounts

70.   Credit Cards

71.   Completing your income tax form. 1040EZ




72.   How to start a business.

73.   How to market your business.

74.   How to create a business plan.



Career Planning – Phase Two

10 weeks

Employability Skills

75.   Validation of Necessary Skills - Training Outline

76.   Update resume

77.   Brochure resume 



Career Strategy

78.   Identifying employers

79.   Using the Internet to find employment

80.   Reading and responding to the Help Wanted Ads

81.   Utilizing the services of the Department of Labor One Stop Shopping Centers

82.   Choosing an industry

83.   Skills for the 21st century.

84.   Using the Internet to research employers and career opportunities.

85.   How to survive the telephone interview.

86.   Understanding benefits.



Post-secondary Training

87.   Choosing an appropriate training path.

88.   Developing your career plan for the next 10 years of your life.



Career Plan and Portfolio

89.   Update and finalize the career plan and portfolio.



Because of the time of the year the WBL Coordinator would be sending their students out to training sites, the delivery of the instruction is different if you are a home school or BOCES coordinator. 

Home school coordinators’ goal is to have all their enrolled students placed into a work site by the 5th week of the first semester. 

Upon recommendation of the CTE instructors, BOCES coordinators will begin placing their senior students into the workplace throughout the entire school year.    


Home School WBL Coordinators



Modules I and II

Module I

October - March

Module III

Module II 

April – June

Module IV

Modules III and IV




 The home school coordinator will deliver all of the above instruction through either:

·    A stand alone class.

·    Seminars or one on one counseling

·    Other CTE teachers who agree to include these units within their curriculum.

·    Independent study through an online course and website.


  The BOCES coordinator will deliver all of the above instruction through:

·    Seminars or one on one counseling

·    Other CTE teachers who agree to include these units within their curriculum.

·    Independent study through an online course and website.







Before Placement at a work site.

 Essential Documents

1.      Student enrollment application

2.      Social Security Number

3.      Working Papers

4.      Parent Permission Form

5.      Risk Management documents

5.1.   Insurance

5.2.   Transportation

5.3.   Emergency Contact

5.4.   Health



Training Plan

6.      Training Plan

7.      Memorandum of Agreement with Employer


Child Labor Laws

8.      Hours and days of work.

9.      Prohibitive occupations




10.   Specific Training Related to occupation validation statement


First 10 Weeks of Placement

Basic Workplace Orientation

11.   Who do you work for?

12.   Job description:

12.1.1.   What basic skills will you use at the workplace?

12.1.2.   What machines will you operate?



Hours of Employment

13.   Record of hours


Performance Appraisal

14.   First evaluation


Second 10 Weeks of Training

Workplace Journal

15.   Journalizing experiences.


Performance Appraisal

16.   Second evaluation



17.   Record of Hours


Third 10 Weeks of Training

All Aspects of Industry

18.   Corporate organizational chart.

19.   Career ladder

20.   Profit or non-profit corporation.

21.   How does this company make a profit?

22.   Products and Services

23.   Marketing and Advertising

24.   Floor Plan

25.   Competitors

26.   Famous person/founder

27.   History of corporation

28.   Quality

29.   Professional associations


Performance Appraisal

30.   Third evaluation



31.   Record of Hours



32.   Letter of recommendation.


Fourth 10 Weeks of Training.

Advanced Working Relations

33.   State of the industry

34.   Job Outlook

35.   Identifying similar employers for future employment.

36.   Supervising Others

37.   Career Portfolio

38.   Record of total training Hours


Performance Appraisal

39.   Final evaluation.



 WBL INSTRUCTION TIME TABLE for Training Related Assignments: 

The WBL coordinator is responsible for the execution and evaluation of the training related assignments.  The WBL coordinator will need a system for this instruction and collection of legal documents. 


NYS WBL WBL Programs WBL Curriculum CDOS & CTE CTE Research WBL Coordinator Advisory Boards Generations 21st Workplace Career Knowledge Labor Laws Marketing Tools Pre-Employment Job Success Safety Training Student Placement Program Evaluation

Obtain Your WBL Certification

WECA, NYS Education Department, CareerSmarts, Career Jump Start, TeacherSmarts

CareerSmarts                                                Susan Gubing, School/Industry Consultant                          EMail: sue@careersmarts.com                                     
 The templates and the career planning process outlined on this site are copyrighted, and all rights are reserved worldwide. No part of this site may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author. Copyright CareerSmarts.com  © 1998.  Inquiries about licensing the content of this site should be addressed to the author,